Interviews, auditions and portfolios

Once you’ve sent your form in to UCAS/DfE Apply you may need to attend an interview or audition, or show your portfolio, depending on the course you’ve applied for (you can see if this applies to you from the course listings).  We’ve put together some information for you about these – but don’t worry, when you are invited you will be given full details of what will happen, including if your interview, audition or portfolio will be online.

Help us get to know you

The important thing to bear in mind is that your interview or audition is a two way thing. As well as tutors checking you can handle the course, it is your chance to check us out, to make sure that Huddersfield is the right place for you. There are no trick questions and we won’t be trying to trip you up. We just want to find out what makes you tick. If you’ve never had an interview or shown a portfolio, don’t worry, it’s not too formal – it just helps us get to know you and assess your application.

The friendly staff in the Student Recruitment Team will be happy to give you guidance on the process, or put you in touch with a subject-specialist who can answer your questions. You can give us a call on 01484 472625.


Interview information for Architecture courses.

Art and Design

Interview information for Art and Design courses.

Drama and Musical Theatre

Interview information for Drama and Musical Theatre courses.

Fashion and Costume

Interview information for Fashion and Costume courses.

Health Professional and Social Work Courses

Interview information for Health and Social Work.

Journalism, Media, English and History

Interview information for Journalism, Media, English and History courses.


Interview information for Music courses.


Interview information for Pharmacy.

Science Extended Degree leading to a BSc(Hons)

Interview information for Science Extended Degree leading to a BSc(Hons).


Interview information for Teaching courses