There are lots of ways to cover the cost of your university studies. Use these pages to find out all you need to know about tuition fees, loans and other scholarships and bursaries that you might be eligible for.
Are you getting the right information?
Continuing students
Information about tuition fees for continuing students can be found on our current students' pages.
International students
If you are an international student, please visit our international fees page.
Your fee status and eligibility to study in the UK for all applicants
As part of its admission process, the University is required to determine the fee status and eligibility to study in the UK of all its applicants. For further information please visit our fee status webpage.
Undergraduate loans
Tuition fee loan
Most home students don’t have to pay any fees up front as this will be covered by a tuition fee loan.
Maintenance loan
You can also apply for a maintenance loan to help pay for your living expenses (like accommodation, food and travel).
Lifelong Learning Entitlement
From September 2026 the UK government is launching a new student funding system for people starting university education.
Further advice and support

Student Finance Office
For further information, advice or guidance, please contact the Student Finance Office.

Cost of living
Huddersfield is a budget friendly option for being a student. Not only is it one of friendliest towns, it also offers a low cost of living, including being the second cheapest in the UK for student rent.

What our students think
Get top tips, advice and expert insight into all things fees and finance from our students.