Allotment Events
Throughout the warmer months of spring and summer the Sustainability team hold various events relating to the allotments, gardening and the local environment.
This gives Staff and Students the opportunity to socialise, catch up on the allotments progress, and to ask each other gardening advice over a coffee and slice of cake!
Find out more information about upcoming events, or have a look at the previous ones below.
Upcoming Events
Please see the schedule of events below for the upcoming season.

Plant Swap
Come and spend a lunch break to get together with other green fingered enthusiasts and bring your plants, flowers and seeds to swap.

Potato planting party!
Join the Gardening gang to plant some potatoes in recycled containers on campus, which we will harvest later in the year.
Picnic at the planters
Come and join us for a summer picnic down at the planters

Mushroom buckets
Learn the art of growing edible mushrooms, using recycled buckets and coffee grounds from our catering outlets.
Previous Allotment Events
Find out more below about previous events that have been held at the Allotments.
Plant swap
On a slightly dreary and wet day in May, brave Staff and Students made their way down to the Canal side Allotments to to bring their home grown plants to swap with other like minded, green fingered friends.
The Sustainability Team would like to thank all who attended, and appreciate the effort and time that went into growing and nurturing the plants which were so generously brought in.
We had some fun trying to work out some mystery plants (what was the lemon smelling one?!), admired some very unusual plants (Priscilla the beautifully wrapped up Calla Lilly), and even had a selection of sunflowers brought in, which were named after someone’s favourite movie stars-amazing!
There was cake, good conversation and and a valuable sharing of plant expertise and knowledge.
Allotment Launch
In April the staff and student allotments were officially opened down at the Canal side allotments with a special Tea Party. Attendees were given a tour of the three allotment spaces, allocated a planter, introduced to the tool box and had the opportunity to socialise with other planter owners over a hot drink and cake. Attendees were given a plant grown in a recycled coffee cup (kindly provided by the catering team) to take away, to use in their planter, keep on their desk or to replant at home.
Students from Kirklees College attended and were thanked at the event, as they had worked very hard on the project to refurbish and repair the grounds for the Canal side allotments.
The area is now a beautiful, tranquil spot, perfect for a moment away from your screen, a scenic lunch at the picnic tables, or somewhere to drink a coffee and look out over the beautiful canal we are so lucky to have run through the heart of our campus.
It is also a fantastic outdoor space for the University 'Gardening Gang' to hold future gardening and environmentally based events and activities.