
Discover Programme

Enjoy subject-specific lectures or workshops in your school or college for Year 12 / Year 1 college students, delivered by academics who teach at the University and designed to both complement the curriculum and introduce new subject areas.

To book or find out more about lectures and workshops please email

Careers from Chemistry

This talk will describe the wealth of careers open to students of chemistry: think food, medicine, fighting crime and saving the environment.

Medicinal molecules from natural sources

Well-known naturally occurring pharmaceutical molecules and the history of their discovery, use, abuse and transformation to modern medicines.

Chemical tales from forensic science

In this talk, several chemical aspects of interest to students of forensic science will be discussed.

Phosphorus - an element of surprise

This talk uncovers the amazing history of phosphorus, which was first isolated nearly 400 years ago. 

The tree of life

This lecture will lift the lid on the diversity known to be present in the tree of life.

The death of a plague

How one of the deadliest animal diseases was eradicated.

From crime scene to court

Explores the history of forensic science and how forensic scientists will use both investigative and evaluative approaches to the investigation of criminal acts