Teacher and adviser events
Explore the range of health professions and social care courses available to your students, see the facilities and network with our course academics.
We offer an event designed for teachers and advisors which provides the opportunity to find out about the range of health professions and social care courses offered at the University, explore the specialised facilities, as well as network with the course academics.
Contact Liz Greenough for more information.
Discover Programme
The Discover Programme is a range of inspiring one hour lectures/ workshops delivered by our subject specialists. They are designed to explore a topic in greater depth or discover a new subject.
What to expect:
- Activity for school groups/classes
- Takes place in school/college
- Aimed at Year 12 students
Please see below the range of lectures and workshops we offer within health professions and social care.
To book your lecture/ workshop email discoverprogramme@hud.ac.uk
Discover: Lectures and workshops
Adult nursing - an introduction
Explore the role of an adult nurse and the career opportunities available.
Children's nursing - making a difference
This is an insight into the role of a children’s nurse.
Health and Social Care - the multiple dimensions
The session will offer an insight into the numerous career opportunities Health and Social Care BSc(Hons) can lead to.
Health professions courses
Explore a range of health professional and social care careers.
Learning Disability Nurse - what is this?
Explore how Learning Disability Nurses (LDNs) influence the health and lives of people with learning disabilities
Mental Health Nursing - what is this?
This session will explore what it is like to be a mental health nurse.
Occupational therapy
Explore the role of an occupational therapist and the career opportunities available.
Operating department practice
Explore the role of the operating department practitioner in the care of a surgical patient.
Paramedic science - what is this?
This is an insight into the role of a paramedic.
Physiotherapy - more than just the magic sponge
Explore the profession of physiotherapy.
Podiatry - what does this profession involve?
Gain an insight into the exciting professional career choice of podiatry and explore the role of a podiatrist.
Social work - what is this?
Students will explore what it is like to be a social worker.