What happens after you apply?

What happens after you apply for a postgraduate taught course?

If you’ve applied for a postgraduate degree and you’re wondering what will happen next you can find all the information you need here.


Offering you a place

Once your application has been received, it will be given careful consideration. If the course you have applied for requires you to attend an interview, you will be notified of what you need to do next.

When we have finished considering your application we will inform you of our decision in writing. We will send you an email if you applied directly to the University, or if you have applied through UCAS you can view our decision through UCAS Hub, or through DfE Apply if you have applied for a Teacher Training course. 

If you are an international applicant studying in-person in the UK (and not by Distance Learning) you can find out more about what happens after you apply on our international webpages or download your offer letter from the International Applicant Portal.


Accepting your offer

Once you have received our offer you need to accept or decline by either responding to the email to confirm your response (if you have applied directly to the University), or via UCAS (if you have applied via UCAS), or via DfE Apply if you are a Teacher Training applicant.

If you accept your offer of a place at Huddersfield and enrol as a student at the University, you will be asked to enter into a binding agreement with us, under which you will be subject to the University's regulations, policies and procedures.

Once you've accepted your offer from us, you will be given access to our online pre-enrolment portal known as 'Your Next Step', which includes useful information that you need to know before joining your course. We will email you once the portal is available and tell you how to access it.


Unsuccessful decisions

If your application is unsuccessful and you wish to receive some feedback, you are able to request this within 6 weeks of getting your decision by emailing study@hud.ac.uk. Please include the following information when making your request:

Please note that feedback can be requested and is provided only in written format within 6 weeks of receipt of a valid request.

Further information is available in our Admissions Policy (Taught Courses) (see section 4 - Feedback to applicants).


Confirming your place

If your offer of a place is conditional upon achieving examination results and/or qualifications, you will need to send us proof of these to confirm your place.

Please send copies of your proof of qualifications by email using 'Outstanding Qualifications' in the subject line and making sure to include the course that you have applied for (e.g. Outstanding Qualifications Pharmacy) and your full name and student number if known.

Once our pre-enrolment portal is open, you’ll receive an email with the three steps you need to follow to successfully complete your enrolment. Step three is how to pay your tuition fee. You’ll be given instructions on ways to pay. In the meantime, if you have any questions about finance, you can contact our Student Finance team at sfo@hud.ac.uk.

Non-academic conditions

If your offer includes non-academic requirements such as DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Clearance, Overseas Police Check or medical clearance you will be contacted with further information about the process you need to follow. 

If you have been asked to obtain a DBS clearance these will be conducted by a third-party organisation (First Advantage). These checks can take upwards of 9 weeks to complete so it is important that you start the process as soon as possible when you receive the instructions. Once the process is complete you will be sent a copy of the certificate. The University does not receive a copy so it is your responsibility to keep this safe so that you can present it to the University or to a work-placement provider during your course if required. 

You will not be able to enrol on your course until these non-academic requirements have been completed. Please note that applicants for ITT (Initial Teacher Training) courses will not have their place on the course confirmed until these requirements are met. 


Deferring your entry

If your circumstances have changed and you no longer wish to start your studies next academic year you can request to defer your entry so that you start your studies the following year instead. Most of our courses accept deferred entry applications.  Please email our Student Recruitment Team at study@hud.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)1484 472 625 and we will be able to offer you advice. 


Keeping in touch

It’s important that we have a valid email address so that we can contact you.

If you have submitted your application directly to the University please email us at study@hud.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)1484 472 625 to change your personal details.

If you have applied through UCAS you can update your email via the UCAS Hub

If you are a teacher training applicant and you applied through DfE Apply you will need to change your details with them. 

Before you start your studies with us we will send you an email with essential links and information about starting here at Huddersfield. Please note that sometimes our emails may be diverted to your spam/junk folders. To avoid this problem, make sure to add our email address to your address book.

Changes to or withdrawal of courses

Information on changes to courses you have applied for, after you enrol as a student, or termination of courses. 

Regulatory framework

When you enrol as a student of the University, your study and time with us will be governed by a framework of regulations, policies and procedures.