Preparing for your Open Day

Checking in

There are three check in locations across campus, make sure you check in so you can claim your travel contribution

Need a quieter or more accessible check in? Visit the helpdesk in Student Central and we’ll be able to help you there. 

Plan your Open Day
  1. What's happening on the day?
  2. Our contribution towards travel costs
  3. Getting here and Free parking
  4. Open Day Map
  5. Our new building - Daphne Steele
  6. While you're on campus
  7. Before you arrive

What's happening on the Day?

General talks

Our Student Support services will be there for you when you need them. From accommodation to student finance and careers to wellbeing.

View general talk timetables

Subject talks, tours and drop-ins

Hear more from our academic teams about courses at Huddersfield, followed by Q&A sessions.

View subject talk, tours and drop-in timetables


Join one of our tours. They're a great chance to look at our facilities and see the campus for yourself.

View tours timetable

*Our contribution towards travel cost

After the Open Day, you can claim up to £75 towards your journey between your home address and the University of Huddersfield, if you attend (make sure you check in on the day so that we know that you attended). The below table provides details of the contributions we will make:

Miles from Huddersfield

Contribution amount

Less than 20 miles £10.00
20 - 69 miles £25.00
70 - 149 miles £40.00
150 or more miles £75.00

Claiming your reimbursement

Claiming your travel contribution is simply. After your visit to campus, you will receive an email from Aspire at Huddersfield. This will include instructions and a link to their online portal so that you can claim your travel contribution. Please allow up to five working days after your visit to campus to receive your email from Aspire at Huddersfield.

For more information see our Travel cost contribution scheme Terms and Conditions.


Talks and sessions

You can browse the sessions that will be taking place for each area below.

Sessions can be booked when you register for the Open Day. If you have already booked your Open Day, you can add and amend sessions associated with your booking via the link in the email you have been sent from


General talks

Getting Here

There’s free parking on the day in our University car parks for Open Day visitors.

They’re only a couple of minutes’ walk away. Use the postcodes below:

For Queensgate Campus

Queen Street South - HD1 3DU (152 bays and 2 disabled bays) 
Firth Street - HD1 3BN (167 bays) 
St Pauls St - HD1 3DH (8 disabled bays)

Arial shot of the University plaza and Creative Arts Building

For Daphne Steele Campus

Daphne Steele building will be part of our new campus when it opens later in 2024!

Southgate - HD1 1SG (132 bays and 8 disabled bays) 

Artist impression of the Daphne Steele Building, part of the National Health Innovation Campus

While you're on campus

Artist impression of the Daphne Steele Building, part of the National Health Innovation Campus

New Facilities for September 2024

Find out more about the Daphne Steele building which will be part of our new campus when it opens later in 2024.

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Catering by Huddersfood

Discover the food options and outlets based on campus.

Elderly person in wheelchair

Campus accessibility

As part of our ongoing campus developments, we continually aim to prioritise the the access of all students, staff and visitors to all areas campus.

Before you arrive

Students laughing in the lounge of their accommodation

Learn about support available

Our Support Services are available for all students. They can help with a range of things from student finance to careers and wellbeing to accommodation.

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How to find us

Huddersfield is located between Leeds and Manchester. Here is everything you need to find us, no matter where you are coming from.

Virtual tour of the University of Huddersfield

Take a virtual campus tour

If you've not had chance to visit our campus, let this virtual tour show you what we have on offer.