Campus tours

Although you'll find lots of information about the University of Huddersfield on our website, there is nothing quite like a visit to the campus to get a feel for what studying with us is really like. So whether you’re interested in undergraduate or postgraduate study, we’d love to show you around our beautiful campus and its facilities.

Your campus tour will cover the whole campus and take around an hour to complete.  You will go inside general areas, including the Library and Student Central where you can find all the Support Services, the Students’ Union and HudLets, our accommodation provider. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an academic member of staff to speak to as part of the tour. 

Campus tours are available 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. Due to staff and student availability, we cannot offer tours on a weekend. 

If you would like to book an in-person tour, please email

Huddersfield campus highlights

A whistle-stop tour of the University of Huddersfield campus. The film showcases just some of the fantastic architecture and buildings we have here in Huddersfield.

If you'd like to visit campus and take a look around then we're running a number of on-campus Open Days.