Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 at the University

The event was organised in conjunction with 6 million+ Charitable Trust

DRAMA and music, plus personal testimonies of past atrocities and present-day persecutions, stirred the audience at this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day at the University of Huddersfield.

You can view highlights of the evening in the video below.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 at the University of Huddersfield

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

The event was organised in conjunction with 6 million+ Charitable Trust.  You can watch a summary of the evening in the video.

Interview with Holocaust Survivor Iby Knill

Holocaust survivor Iby Knill gave an interview when she visited the University on Holocaust Memorial Day a couple of years ago.

Interview with Holocaust Survivor Leisel Carter

Leisel and her mum escaped the the persecution of Jews in Germany.  In the video she talks about her story.