Welcome to our digital Postgraduate Study Fair

It’s great to meet you! We’re offering live chat sessions as part of this event at 3 – 6pm. At these sessions you’ll be able to:

  • Chat with our academics and find out more about your postgraduate and research options
  • Chat with current postgraduate students and find out about their experience
  • Find out more about loans and funding
  • Discover the support on offer to postgraduate students and researchers
  • Join live subject talks with our academics
  • Explore campus with our interactive map and film

Join these sessions

We can’t wait to chat with you at our event and in the meantime, we’ve put together some resources that will help you prepare for postgraduate study and research with us.

A guided campus tour of the University of Huddersfield

Join Tyriq, Caitlin and Nathan on a guided tour of the University of Huddersfield.
They’ll take you around our amazing campus, starting with Student Central, the main hub of student activities.

You’ll see where you might be taught - from beautifully converted stone mills to state-of-the-art brand new buildings - and you’ll get a feel for how easy it is to find your way around.

The University is located right in the centre of Huddersfield town and surrounded by stunning Yorkshire countryside.


Video guides

Funding your postgraduate taught

There’s lots of support available to help fund your postgraduate studies. Find out all you need to know in this short video.

Funding your Research degree

There’s lots of support available to help fund your research degree. Find out all you need to know in this short video presentation.

How to find a supervisor

Watch our step-by-step guide on how to find an academic supervisor to support your research interests.

How to apply for postgraduate research

If you’re ready to apply, watch our short video on what to do and what to expect from the application process.

Art, Design and Architecture

SessionTimeJoin in
Art, Design and Architecture 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.00pm - 3.45pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study in the School of Art, Design and Architecture

We will be hosting a live presentation and Q&A about the postgraduate courses we offer within the school.

4.00pm - 4.30pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study in Fashion and Textiles

We will be hosting a live presentation and Q&A about the postgraduate courses we offer within the subject are of Fashion and Textiles

4.45pm - 5.15pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study in Art and Design (including 3D design)     

We will be hosting a live presentation and Q&A about the postgraduate courses we offer within the subject area of Art and Communication

5.30pm - 6.00pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study in Architecture and the Built Environment     

We will be hosting a live presentation and Q&A about the postgraduate courses we offer within the subject area of Architecture and the Built Environment

Join the Art, Design and Architecture session


Chat to us about

#Accounting, Finance and Economics
#Behavioural Economics and Decision Science
#Human Resource Management
#International Business
#Logistics, Supply Chain and Business Intelligence
#Management and Strategic Communications
#Project Management and Operations Management

SessionTimeJoin in
Business 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.00pm - 3.30pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study at Huddersfield Business School

This live session will start at 3.00pm - 3.30pm. Dr Hayley German introduces the range of postgraduate opportunities at Huddersfield Business School.

Join the business session

Computing and Engineering

Chat to us about



#Music Technology


SessionTimeJoin in
Computing and Engineering 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.15pm and 4.45pm : Introduction to Postgraduate Study in the School of Computing and Engineering

This live session will start at 3.15pm with a second session at 4.45pm. Dr Leigh Fleming introduces the range of postgraduate opportunities offered within the school.

Join the Computing and Engineering session

Music, Humanities and Media

Chat to us about

#Drama, Theatre and Performance
#English and CreativeWriting
#Linguisticsand Modern Languages
#Communications Cultural and Media Studies
#Music and Music Technology

SessionTimeJoin in
Music, Humanities and Media 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.05pm - 3.35pm : Drama, Theatre and Performance

Our postgraduate offering across Drama, Theatre and Performance

3.35pm - 4.05pm : English Literature and Creative Writing

Find out more about postgraduate study in English  Literature and Creative Writing

4.05pm - 4.35pm : History

Pursuing Postgraduate Study in History

4.35pm - 5.05pm : Linguistics and Modern Languages

Research and taught degrees in Linguistics

5.05pm - 5.35pm : Communications, Cultural and Media Studies

Taught and research study at postgraduate level

5.35pm - 6.00pm : Music and Music Technology

Taught and research study in Music and Music Technology

Join the Music, Humanities and Media session


Chat to us about

#Teacher Training
#Education Master's and TESOL Courses
#Careers Guidance and Development
#Research in Education

SessionTimeJoin in
Education 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.15pm : Routes into Teaching Courses

A short talk covering our Teacher Training courses, including early years, primary, secondary and lifelong learning.

3.45pm : Education and TESOL Master's Courses

A short talk covering our taught Master's courses in Education and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

4.00pm : Careers Guidance Courses

A short talk covering our postgraduate courses in Careers Guidance and Development.

4.15pm : Research in Education Courses

A short talk covering our Research in Education Master's, Education PhD and Doctor of Education (EdD) courses.

Join the Education session

Human and Health Science

Chat to us about


SessionTimeJoin in
Human and Health Science 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.15pm     Criminology

Find out about our Master's courses Criminology & International Security & Criminology & Evidence Based Policing

3.30pm    Psychology

Find out about our MSc Psychology conversion course.

3.45pm    Investigative Psycholgy

Find out about our Master's route into Social Work

4.00pm     Social Work

Find out about our Master's route into Social Work

4.15pm    Sport

Find out about our Master's courses in Sport

4.30pm    Public Health

Find out about our Public Health Master's courses

4.45pm    Nursing

Find out about our Master's route into Nursing

5.00pm    Podiatry

Find out about our Master's options in Podiatry

5.15pm    Paramedic Science

Find out about our Master's route into Paramedic Science

5.30pm    Reserach

Introduction to reserach opportunites within the fields of Health and Social Sciences

Join the Human and Health Science session

Applied Science

SessionTimeJoin in
Applied Science 3.00pm - 6.00pm Join this session

Talks during the session

3.15pm : Cancer Research and Biomedical and Analytical Sciences offered in the School of Applied Sciences

Presentation on the subjects offered by the school

3.45pm : Research in the School and how to apply for funding

Presentation about research and how to source funding

4.15pm : Pharmaceutical courses offered in the School

Presentation about the Pharmaceutical courses available

Join the Applied Science session

In addition, we are hosting a live chat event with our support services so you can discover all the support we have on offer.

 Chat to us aboutJoin in
Support Services


Join this session