Central web content

Welcome to the central web content dev area.

This section of the dev area is used by the Digital Content Team (DCT) in Central Marketing (MCSR) to document content changes, processes and timelines for key campaigns such as Clearing and Open Day.

It is also used by content owners to check that the content is correct.

Note: Project management should be documented in Microsoft Teams with links to the content in this area where relevant.

If you have a question about any of the content in this area please speak to the DCT or email webteam@hud.ac.uk

Open Days

See the Online Open Day event and the pre-event pages.

Study Fair

Online Postgraduate Study Fair.

Clearing web states

Documents all of the different states the Clearing web page goes through.

Welcome landing page

The Welcome page is used to welcome news students to the University of Huddersfield.