Entry requirements
The entry requirements for your country

English language requirements
English language requirements for Pakistan

Tuition fees
The University offers competitive fees as well as payment options and discounts.

Scholarships for your country
Find out more about scholarships available for students from Pakistan

Visits to your country
Come and meet us

British Cultural Society
Wherever you are from, we welcome everyone to join in and discover more about British culture

Noorana Syed
Our International Officer in Pakistan
Contact Noorana by email n.syed@hud.ac.uk

Pakistan Society
We welcome all students and staff to discover more about Pakistani culture, food and festivals and celebrate these events on campus together

The University of Huddersfield is a founder member of NCUK, a consortium of prestigious UK universities
Noorana is the Regional Officer based in our Pakistan Office. She explains why studying at the University of Huddersfield was one of the best decisions she ever made. Noorana is here to help you with your application.
Contact us
Get support and guidance from your regional officer.
Tuition Fees
The University offers competitive fees as well as payment options and discounts.