What is Clearing?

Clearing is a process which allows you to search for available places on courses at UK universities if you haven’t got a place or wish to change your course and/or university.

A positive step...

Going through Clearing is an opportunity for you to assess and research the options available to you. Thousands of students go through Clearing every year and successfully find a course, so don’t panic as you're not alone. It is worth researching the courses and universities you are interested in beforehand and gaining an understanding of how Clearing works, so you have the best chance of securing a place on your perfect course, if you need to go through Clearing.

On the morning I got my results, I called several universities for places on medical biology courses and was offered a place at them all! This gave me the confidence to call Huddersfield, even though I was one grade short on my results. They offered me a place, so the next day I visited their Clearing Admissions Day along with one other university. Huddersfield’s equipment was at a higher level and the lecturers I met spoke my language. I decided on Huddersfield and have not regretted it once.

Max Smith
Medical Biology BSc(Hons) Student

You can apply to university through Clearing if you:

Interested in a course at Huddersfield?

Our friendly and experienced Student Recruitment Team are here to answer your questions. You can call us on 01484 472625 or email us on study@hud.ac.uk.

We're open Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm.

How do I enter Clearing?

We have lots of advice to help you find out how you can enter clearing.

Contact us

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Guide to Clearing

Watch our students talk about their experience of applying through Clearing and hear tips from our staff in this video.