Webinars and drop-in sessions

Get detailed information about studying at Huddersfield

There's lots of ways to get more information about studying at the University.

Our international support advisers are here to help guide you through all stages of your journey to Huddersfield.  

Drop-in Sessions 

We run a number of drop-in sessions to help you get the information you need, whether you're consdiering applying to the University or you've already made an application. Drop-in sessions open at specified times and are a chance for you to speak to a representative at the University on a one-to-one basis.

When you click the link to join, you'll be placed in a queue and will be paired with a university support adviser as soon as one becomes available. This will allow you to speak privately to the University and we can discuss your enquiry or any questions relating to your application status. 


Immigration team drop-in sessions

Chat to our immigration team about your visa queries.

Monday - Friday 12:00 - 13:00 (UK time)

Support for applicants 

Webinar for applicants

If you have already applied, you might find a webinar a useful way to find out more about student life or your chosen subject area. All applicants will be invited to the right webinar for your course and any other support and pre-departure sessions. They’re a great way to find out more about studying at Huddersfield before you arrive. 

Our webinars are live online events where a speaker from the University of Huddersfield will deliver a presentation on a specific topic. You can participate by submitting questions during or after the presentation.

Connect with your regional officer

Get support and guidance with your application from your regional officer.

Meet us

Meet us at one of our upcoming overseas visits or education fairs. Browse our visits calendar and view upcoming events. 

Join an International Information Day

We run several International Information Days throughout the year, giving you a chance to speak to our academics Schools and support services.