As a Student visa holder you can complete a work placement as part of your study in the UK.
The placement must:
- be an assessed and integral part of your course.
- take up no more than 50% of the total duration of your course.
Placements can be:
- paid or unpaid.
- part-time or fulltime (even during term time)
- in the UK or abroad
The University remains responsible for your attendance throughout the work placement. The placement unit in your school will monitor your attendance whilst you are undertaking a placement in the UK or overseas.
Contact the placement department in your school
University’s duties
The Immigration team must report your work placement details to Home Office. These details include the following:
- Name and address of placement provider;
- Hours of work per week;
- Start and finish date of the placement;
- Any changes in the work placement details.
You must keep your School’s placement unit updated with any changes to the above whilst you are undertaking a placement.
Immigration rules around work placements
Your decision to undertake a placement as well as timing can have an impact on your visa.
Download our factsheet below for further information:
Factsheet - Work placements for Student visa holders
If you have any further questions please contact us or attend one of the Immigration Drop-in Sessions so we can advise you further.
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