Student visa

If you are 16 or over and want to study at higher education level in the UK for more than six months you will need to apply for a Student visa. A Student visa allows a student to study at a specific UK educational institution on a specific course. The visa should cover the full length of a student’s course plus some extra time at the end.

If your course is eligible for a visa, the University will issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) with which you can use to apply for your visa.

How to apply admission and get a CAS?

Applying to the University of Huddersfield is a quick and easy process. Visit the applying to the University webpage for further information.


Paying your tuition fee

Visit the how to pay your fees page for detail about paying your fees to the University.


Financial requirements

The financial documents are one of the most important parts of the visa application. In order to get your Student visa, you must show that you have enough money to pay for the course tuition fees and living costs (also referred to as ‘Maintenance’) while in the UK. Most international students are either self-funded or hold an official sponsorship.



Self-funded students: You are classed as a self-funded student if you or your parents or a legal guardian is responsible for your course fees and living costs in the UK. You will be required to meet the financial requirements by submitting evidence of personal bank accounts held either in your name or your parents’/guardian’s names, or in a joint account which bears your name.

Download our  factsheet for self-funded students  (Adobe PDF)


Officially sponsored students: You are classed as officially sponsored if your government, a university, an international scholarship agency or an international company is responsible for your course fees and living costs in the UK. Your sponsor must issue you with an official sponsor letter that meets the Home Office’s requirements.

Download our Factsheet for Sponsored students(Adobe PDF)


Meeting the English language requirement

English language ability can be proven in various ways. Details of how the University of Huddersfield has assessed your English language ability can be found in your CAS.

Download our factsheet for meeting the English language requirements (Adobe PDF)

Some students looking over some text next to a laptop in a dorm

Applying for a Student visa

Applying for a Student visa outside the UK

A student looking at a booklet about the UK

Extending your visa in the UK

Extending your visa in the UK

Visa FAQs

Your CAS

What is CAS?

Applying for a CAS

How do I apply for a CAS?

Visa processing times

What is the visa processing time in my country?

When to apply

When can I apply for my Student visa?

Visa application fee

How much does it cost?

Working in the UK

Can I work while I'm studying?

ATAS Clearance

What is ATAS and do I need it?

Visa interviews

Do I have to go for an interview as part of my application? 


What happens when I don’t enrol for my course?


Can I be self-employed?

Work placements

Can I do a work placement?

Working after course completion

Can I work in the UK after I have completed my course?

English language courses

I will be studying an English language course

Part-time study

I am a part-time or distance learning student.

Re-sits or PhD viva

I am only coming to re-sit an exam or for my PhD viva