Polish Society

Alan Pawlak


Alan Pawlak, President, Polish Student Society

We welcome all international students and members of staff to join in with the Polish Student Society. Within the last few years our society has actively been taking part in the main cultural events organised on campus, such as the Welcome Festival, Food Festival and Global Week. Regardless of the main festivals, we exercise the utmost care to maintain our national tradition by celebrating our own festivities, such as public holidays and feast days. Our society also makes an active contribution to the life of the local community. The remarkable achievements and interests of some of our members have gained admiration of certain representatives of the local Polish community and have been mentioned in local media. We are a group of friendly and positive students, always keen on meeting new people and enlarging our circle of friends. If you would like to get to know more about our culture and ourselves, feel free to join us on social media or email: campusevents@hud.ac.uk

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