Bangladeshi Society

Bangladesh presidents for society page

Sanjida Karim

Hasnatul Jannat, President, Bangladeshi Student Society

Welcome to one of the most diverse Universities in the UK. In Huddersfield you will find people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. It is a welcoming town with numbers of people from South Asia, which is why it is easy to find mosques, temples and Halal food. Besides the South Asian cultural programme, religious festivals such as Boishakhi, Eid and Diwali are celebrated by the local South Asian community and the students as well. So all Bangladeshi and South Asians will feel like home here. In the last 12 months we have held some cultural activities on campus, participated in the University's Global Food and Culture Festival and celebrated our Independence Day. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via social media or email: This society welcomes everybody and anyone to join in and learn more about our culture.

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