David McCallig

David McCallig smiling

David McCallig

Data Analytics MSc (Distance Learning)

David completed a Data Analytics MSc (Distance Learning) at the University of Huddersfield in 2023 while working as a Lecturer at Lakes Colleges before moving into a Digital Technical Advisor at City & Guilds. In his role, David provides insights and intelligence to inform the development of qualifications, training programmes and skills solutions that meet industry needs. He also supports training providers delivering apprenticeship standards and qualifications in the digital sector.

Why I chose to study Data Analytics online at Huddersfield  

The course's fully online delivery was one of the main reasons I chose to pursue the Master’s in Data Analytics at Huddersfield. This flexibility enabled me to continue my full-time job and support my growing family while still spending quality time with my daughter, born during my studies. The programme’s flexibility was crucial, enabling me to balance fatherhood, work, and learning. 

Another important factor was that the course modules aligned with my interests. I was particularly keen to explore machine learning and create effective data visualisations. Although I was familiar with these topics, I lacked the in-depth knowledge to fully apply them, so I was excited to deepen my understanding. 

High-quality teaching and collaborative learning

The quality of the teaching was of a very high standard. Academics were experts in their fields and their delivery was always engaging and informative. I particularly benefited from the ability to re-watch video content, which meant I could learn at my own pace – getting every ounce of knowledge out of the lectures. The structure of the units that included group work fostered productive discussions within our teams, helping us to collaboratively arrive at solutions. It also allowed us to assign roles based on individual strengths, forming a more effective team. 

An online meeting between a student and academic.

Supportive and compassionate teaching staff

The teaching staff were supportive throughout the course. They were always on hand to answer questions and provide guidance. They showed understanding and flexibility during a family bereavement when I was completing my final project. Studying for a master's degree can be challenging, so having support and encouragement from caring staff was incredibly beneficial to my student experience. 

Gaining practical skills for industry application

The course provided me with a comprehensive understanding of how data functions as the oil of industry. In my role, I am responsible for delivering insights into the digital sector, which involves exploring and analysing industry trends to make informed recommendations about its direction and pinpoint key areas for support and development. 

"The skills I acquired in data analysis, AI, machine learning, and project management have all significantly enhanced my ability to perform my job more effectively."

Enhancing communication and leveraging technology for impact

I also developed excellent communication skills. In my role, I collaborate with various departments, including assessment, development, and policy. It’s essential for me to effectively contribute to projects and keep all stakeholders informed on progress and updates. 

By using AI and machine learning, I’ve significantly reduced the time spent on administrative tasks, enabling me to be more creative and forward-thinking during the workday. This shift has improved outcomes for both the business and our customers.  

My advice to others considering studying online Data Analytics MSc 

I absolutely recommend the course to others! The modules are logically planned and there is sufficient time to complete the learning and assessments alongside outside commitments with discipline. You’ll be supported by your peers, and University staff throughout. Continuing to enhance your skills and knowledge as a working professional is always worthwhile—it's a decision you won't regret! 

To learn more about Data Analytics MSc (Distance Learning), please visit our course page. 

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