- Huddersfield Business School wins 'Business School of the Year' at the 2023 Times Higher Education (THE) Awards. Read more in our news story.
- Huddersfield Business School becomes an accredited member of the AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. We are one of only 6% of business schools in the world to hold this prestigious accreditation.
- Communication and Media Studies ranked in the top 150 in the QS World Subject Rankings.
- Huddersfield Business School ranked 201-250 for Business and Economics, and for Law, in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Subject rankings.
- Help to Grow Initiative launched.
- Communication and Media Studies ranked 151-200 in QS World Subject Rankings.
- Huddersfield Business School ranked 201-250 for Business and Economics and 201-250 for Law in THE World Subject rankings.
- Huddersfield Business School hosts the 54th Academy of Marketing research conference.
- Business and Management Studies ranked 37/108 providers in REF 2021 according to Times Higher Education. Law enters REF for the first time.
- Huddersfield Business School ranked 201-250 for Business and Economics and 176-200 for Law in THE World Subject rankings.
- Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Higher Education Partner of the Year awarded to the University.
- Small Business Charter awarded.
- Huddersfield Business School ranked 251-300 for Business and Economics in the THE World Subject rankings.
- Kirklees Top 100 launched.
- Huddersfield Business School introduced a new portfolio of contemporary postgraduate courses, designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to be influential and successful in a rapidly changing global environment.
- Huddersfield Business School are ranked in the 301-400 range for Business and Economics in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings
- Business and Management at Huddersfield Business School are ranked 47th in the UK in the QS World University Rankings
- LLM in Law and Global Governance course launched
- BSc Business Data Analytics course launched
- Huddersfield Business School launches Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeships and Senior Leader Master’s Degree Apprenticeships, allowing employers to support their staff to study part time for a university qualification.
- Law School move into the new Oastler Building
- Jill Johnes appointed as Dean of Huddersfield Business School
- Department of Logistics, Operations and Hospitality Management joins the Business School (previously within School of Applied Sciences)
- Sino-British College (SBC) delivery of Events Management BA (Hons)
- Opening of new £17m Business School building
- Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) launched
- Bachelor programmes started at Hong Kong Management Association
- Chris Cowton appointed as Dean of Huddersfield Business School
- Introduction of the Master of Law and Practice (MLP) inc. LLB (Hons) – only the second in the UK
- Monica Gibson-Sweet appointed as Dean of Huddersfield Business School
- Graham Worsdale appointed as Dean of Huddersfield Business School.
- Business Management BA (Hons) – first cohort
- Business Administration and Management BA (Hons) (Top Up) first cohort
- Indian Institute of Hotel Management, Designed and Delivered programmes started. We were the only HEI with AICTHE approval.
Huddersfield University Business School
- Merger between School of Business and School of Accountancy Law and Management
- David Smith appointed a Dean of Huddersfield Business School
June 1992
University of Huddersfield
- First doctorate awarded
- Human Resource Management BA (Hons) introduced
School of Business and School of Accountancy, Law and Management
- Business Administration and Management BA (Hons) (Top Up). First top up programme validated
- Marketing BA (Hons)
- Research degree awarding powers – PhD/MPhil – for the University
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) – initially PT and subsequently FT
- Transport and Distribution BSc (Hons) - the first such programme in the UK – responding to industry needs
- Business Law BA (Hons) introduced
- Accountancy BA (Hons) - introduced. Followed one year later by Accountancy Studies BA (Hons)
- Business Studies BA (Hons) – introduced as a response to the 1968 Crick report on UG business education
Huddersfield Polytechnic
- Faculty of Business
- Diploma in Management Studies (DMS) – highest level post experience qualification at the time
- Marketing (Engineering) BA(Hons) – linking with School of Engineering and building on the town's industrial heritage
Huddersfield College of Technology
- Department of Marketing
Textile Marketing BA (Hons) – The first Marketing Bachelor degree in the UK; linking with the Department of Textiles and building on the town's industrial heritage.